Our first sheep had numerous amount of problems and Tom & I spent about an hour trying to assist her in her job...poor dear...the result was four lambs, with one being still-born and because she was so distraught and exhausted from the ordeal that she could not pay enough attention to her babies...so one passed on within an hour and we rescued one of the others and brought her to our house...in the workshop area where the furnace is situated..We really didn't think there was much point in "trying" to revive her, but with many trips up and down the stairs to coax her to feed from a bottle, talking to her, nurturing her, we brought her through...here are two photos....and as you can see the poor mother hadn't even had the energy to clean her well....one in the box when she began to brighten up...after several hours; the other when I took her out of the box onto the cement floor...What a beautiful sight to see this little one back to life...She is doing quite well with her Mother now and feeding as she should be...from her Mom....
We have Eleven lambs now and have plenty more to come...Hopefully, the Moms won't have too many problems trying to bring them into the world.