Wow, again, what a wonderful weekend at the "Grand Bank Trade Show". Everyone's booths were superb and people had so many things to offer from French Jewelery, Decorating with Candy, Chocolate made in St. John's, NL., Bird Houses, etc., made from Driftwood, Baked Goods, ETC., and of course, Yours Truly with her "Anne's Original Hooked Mats"

Also, my good friend, Christina, with her display of wonderful, beautiful Hand Made Quilts.

I have only the finest words to say about our NLOWE's own, Paula Flood, who was at the fair, as well. She is one of the most courteous, industrious, sociable, friendly people that I have had the honor of meeting. I am so happy I met her at our "Rug Hooking Retreat" two weeks ago. Of course, Christina & I had to have a photo taken with her....

I could not sign off without complimenting the workers with the "Regional Women in Business Organization" in Grand Bank. I do not remember all of their names, Sorry girls, but to Judy Peach and Mrs. Douglas, who took care of mine and Christina's booths for us to have a FREE lunch, offered and Prepared by the Local Lions Club of Grand Bank, I have the greatest respect. Those ladies are very hard working and devoted to their jobs. They made us feel very welcome and special and were so interested in our work.
Although I sold just one mat, I was very excited about that and I was just as pleased over the exposure and the wonderful comments from the public. That in itself means a lot. Today I am still on a "high". I loved each and every minute of it and will, God willing, attend again another year.