Greetings my fellow bloggers and drop-by friends. I feel like a complete stranger here today as it has been such a loooonnnnggg time since I posted. I have been busy, busy, busy. My brother had to be situated in a different nursing home and it was a complete worry while trying to have him placed. You see, my brother has been blind from birth; my mother kept him with her until she was too old to care for him, so he went to a private home where the caregiver's husband became ill and my brother had to be moved. I'm telling you, our health system has lots of wrinkles to be ironed out. It is unbelievable that it can take so long to have a person placed in a nursing home. It was close to two months before it was finally done. Thankfully, he is settled and is content.
Take my advice on this one: Don't ever attempt to have your complete house uprooted before any Holidays. We decided to have our flooring was time after 26 years...and the only available time was on the 13th of the month. I have to say it is just today that I can say that things are put back into place...what didn't go in the garbage or is saved for the Good Will Center, that is... What havoc!!! There was furniture, etc...all over the place. My husband has about five hundred books, no kidding, that had to be boxed and taken to the basement and then brought back to be packed on the bookshelves again..My poor back!!! It was just yesterday morning that I did my tree and believe me, AGAIN this year, if there were a contest for the ugliest tree, I would get it...I have no baking done and am about to attempt that after this post...
I want to wish each and every one of you "A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY, HEALTHY NEW YEAR".
I have to make a resolution concerning my blog again this year. Apparently, the last year's one didn't work..
Take care everyone and enjoy family time..that is the most important of all....
Friday, December 24, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
Tomatoes & Green Peppers

We had a huge amount of tomatoes this year as you can see from this photograph. These were brought from the greenhouse because of the fear of frost and we sure didn't want to lose any. They have all been ripened now; some are canned, others were made into salsa....a first for me but are scrumptuous plus some green tomato relish, which is also a first and is great for hot dog or hamburger relish. As you will notice, the last few green peppers were rescued, as well....
I am really proud of our green peppers this year and thought I would share this picture. Now isn't that just wonderful!!! Nothing better than "home grown" veggies from your very own greenhouse....

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
My Sister-In-Law's Work
My sister-in-law, Bride, does wonderful work using fabric. She has a blog, which is in progress, and if you visit, you will see exactly what I am talking about and why I am so proud of her. She sells lots of different size pieces of this art at Craft Sales and in different stores in Newfoundland... She also does acrylic painting and is one of my very patient teachers, the other being her sister, Jean, who is also very talented and actually taught the last lesson of Still Life ....yes, all three of those pictures that I have posted on my blog are proof of their talents. I am posting one picture here of her work to make you really curious.....

Monday, November 15, 2010
Getting Ready for Winter

In between rug hooking, I am lending a hand at stacking wood in our basement for the Winter. This is a beginning and hopefully the weather will stay as nice at it is right now, with exceptionally higher temperatures than we are used to, then our wood supply will last for longer than normal; however, there is no worries about shortage of it for a year or two......
I finished my third mat today and now on to the fourth. I can see an end in sight or do I????
Saturday, November 13, 2010
"If At First You Don't Succeed....Try Again"

And that is just what I did!!!! Last year, I submitted some photos of my mats to our Great Provincial Art Gallery called "THE ROOMS" during their "Art Bank of NL. Program" to see if I would be lucky enough to have one chosen for display, but alas, I did'nt. This year, when the time rolled around I thought I would try again and guess what? ONE WAS PURCHASED and will be displayed for a period of time and then put into the Archives there. I was so excited yesterday when I received the email telling me the good news that I was doing the "Happy Dance" for the remainder of the day. I cannot tell you how delighted and honored I am to be able to have just a teeny, tiny, display there. After all, that is where Deanne Fitzpatrick, our well known Newfoundland Fiber Artist, had a huge display two years ago and I went to see it and couldn't believe the beauty in her mats. I don't know which mat was chosen as I submitted three photos and I was not told yet which one it is. I have it ready to go at a minute's notice.
I have not posted for some time now because with canning....different kinds of pickles and relishes, tomatoes, moose meat, beets, etc. etc. etc...PLUS I am into my third of five mats that I need to have completed for people before the Holiday Season begins. Besides all that, we are planning to place some flooring in the whole of our house. I can only imagine the confusion that will cause...Wish me luck... :)
If you are interested, you may take a look at this link to find out a little more about "The Rooms"
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Carrots, Anyone???
We have a "bumper" crop of everything this year and carrots is no exception. We pulled them yesterday because of a fear of frost and lo and behold, ended up with 18 trays of those lovely looking veggies. Must be the wonderful Newfoundland weather we have plus the composted kelp and of course, the hard work and green thumb of my husband, Tom...notice I didn't include myself in the "green thumb"...
We also pulled the beets and guess what? We are pickling beets today. There is just no end in sight. I'll never get at my hooking...... grrrr!!!
We also pulled the beets and guess what? We are pickling beets today. There is just no end in sight. I'll never get at my hooking...... grrrr!!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
My Paintings
Last week my two sisters-in-law visited for a few days and at night time, we got together for a painting lesson from either of the two...they are quite good at painting. I am the beginner. I would love to have more time to pursue this second desire of mine....acrylic painting; however, this doesn't seem to be case because there is just "no spare time". However, I thought I would share what I did. I know there is room for improvement and I hope to be able to see to it one day....

Sunday, October 24, 2010
Here He Is...
Ok, as promised, here is our new Texel Ram Lambe that we purchased a few days ago. Also, I am including a picture of our own, "Rambo", that was raised on a bottle and thought he had succumbed twice. He is a hearty little guy....and I think, better looking...Ya, I may be a bit prejudiced....:)

The Texel looks and sounds like a "Pig"...sorry newcomer... :) His previous owner did not have him sheared this year and of course, we will have to leave him "as is" because winter is coming on and it will be too cold for him without his fleecey coat. He survived the heat of the summer so he should be over the worst now.. poor little guy.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Is Everyone As Busy As I Am???

I can't seem to find the time to hook lately. It is just constant work from one end of the day to the other and one week to the other. I had more free time when I worked at my full-time job. Guess I (WE) are after taking on many more projects these past few years. Not to say anything negative about my chores, because I love what I do BUT, I CAN'T GET AT MY HOOKING!!!!!!!
Yesterday I made Marinated Carrots while Hubby was away buying a Texel Ram Lamb. This is a new breed for us and have to say he is an ugly little guy. I will post a picture tomorrow. Don't know how happy our lovely looking sheep will be when they see him.......:) :) and they have to get intimate with him...LOL!!!!
Here are two of my marinated carrots, the other a result of our gardening. Not every carrot is the same size, but we do have a lot of those huge ones....I weighed one and it was 2.86lbs. Wow!!!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Excellent Weekend
Wow, again, what a wonderful weekend at the "Grand Bank Trade Show". Everyone's booths were superb and people had so many things to offer from French Jewelery, Decorating with Candy, Chocolate made in St. John's, NL., Bird Houses, etc., made from Driftwood, Baked Goods, ETC., and of course, Yours Truly with her "Anne's Original Hooked Mats"

Also, my good friend, Christina, with her display of wonderful, beautiful Hand Made Quilts.

I could not sign off without complimenting the workers with the "Regional Women in Business Organization" in Grand Bank. I do not remember all of their names, Sorry girls, but to Judy Peach and Mrs. Douglas, who took care of mine and Christina's booths for us to have a FREE lunch, offered and Prepared by the Local Lions Club of Grand Bank, I have the greatest respect. Those ladies are very hard working and devoted to their jobs. They made us feel very welcome and special and were so interested in our work.
Although I sold just one mat, I was very excited about that and I was just as pleased over the exposure and the wonderful comments from the public. That in itself means a lot. Today I am still on a "high". I loved each and every minute of it and will, God willing, attend again another year.
Friday, October 8, 2010
True Signs of Autumn

Autumn is my favourite time of year with the color changes, etc. I also like it because as Paula says on her blog:,
she is liking the idea of winter's arrival because she can get a little more hooking done. By the time I get through all the harvesting, canning, pickling, etc., winter will be at my doorstep. I am trying to hook a little this morning (up with the rooster's crow) but every now and again I look around and think "Please don't let anyone enter my door this morning until I get some of my houswork done". Things do be really unruly in my house while I am hooking....but what the heck, there is no pleasure in housework like it is in hooking. Do you hookers agree??? :) :)
Posting two of my favourite Autumn pictures, spuds and salt fish......
Have a great Thanksgiving Weekend, those of you who are celebrating this week.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

"SURPRISE" You say, what is this lady doing here? This is what I look like this evening after helping to harvest fifteen sacks of spuds today. (about a third of our total potato garden).
There are some wonderful & helpful people in our midst as I discovered while on our "Rug Hooking Retreat" on the weekend in the name of PAULA FLOOD, our organizer. Paula is employed with what is called "NLOWE" (Newfoundland & Labrador Organization of Women Entrepreneurs). Honestly, I hadn't heard of it. While conversing on the deck of the boat enroute to our individual hometowns, Paula brought this to my attention and informed me that on the weekend of October 15/16, there is to be a "Trade Show & Holiday Fair" less than an hours drive from where I live and if I was interested, she would find out if there was a booth available. Sure enough, on Monday, I received a call (and since then, more calls and e-mails from her on this) A booth was available. Now this gives me an opportunity to display my Four Hooked Rugs that I have on hand plus a display of photos of my former works. I am soooo excited and yes, have to say "SURPRISED" that someone who had just gotten to know me for a few hours, would go through all this trouble to fit me in on this. This provides we women to receive some recognition, not counting the compliments, which are always wonderful to receive. Now a sale would be great, as well.. :) :)
I am not finished yet...I have a Quilter friend, Christina, who does wonderful work and after telling her about my adventure, etc., I knew that she was interested in the Show as well.. so I decided to contact Paula to see if Christina and I could share a booth....NO, Paula arranged somehow to claim a booth for Christina, too.
I can't believe this is happening. I am so excited and yes, a bit anxious, too.
This is the type of dedicated workers we need in our society. Another bonus to all of this is that Paula will be at the Trade Show and will visit with me and my hubby before she returns to her hometown....Now, isn't this a great world we live in?
You are an 'ANGEL', Paula...thanks so much....
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
"Wonderful Weekend"

Well, what a SUPER Weekend at our "Hooking Retreat"!!! I enjoyed each and every minute of it. All the "Hookers" were wonderful and treated me as if they knew me forever...why did I worry so much???? I might have known if a group of us got together, there would not be a dull moment. Our organizer, Paula, did a great job and arrangements have been made for the same time next year. Wild Horses won't keep me away.
I learned to whip stitch and bind, three new techniques, plus sculpturing....I have to admit I will have to practice, but THAT I will. We also got a lesson on "labels, etc."....
The comraderie was great and so was the food and accommodations. We had live entertainement....great music and jokes in between.
I needed this little break. Now it is back to the grind with packing wood for the winter, harvesting the veggies and ooddles of other chores. I will try and sneak a bit of hooking in between (I don't know when that will be).
I have a surprise to announce to you but that will be tomorrow, if I am not tooooo tired after the back-breaking job of digging potatoes....
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Rug Hooking Retreat

Wow, Woweee!!!!! I am off to a "Rug Hooking Retreat" tomorrow until Sunday...I am so looking forward to it but honestly, I have taken the phone up more than once this week to cancel out.... The reason being that I do not know a single soul who will be attending. A friend was supposed to be going but complications prevents her from doing so... I do so want to see what other people do...their style of hooking, materials used, etc., etc., and another thing, the comraderie of it all. I have heard so much from other people, online, of how they enjoy such outings and it has inspired me to do this.
It will be held on a tiny island called "Woody Island". I visited there with family last August and enjoyed it to the fullest...
Please wish me luck and if I don't forget my camera, I will post some pictures....In the excitement tomorrow, I may leave my hooking frame behind, let alone my camera.... :) :)
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

As you can see from these photos, we have been a little busy over the last while. Our barn is filled with hay for the hungry critters, sheep, for the winter. A friend brought their little grandson for a visit and a little walk around our small farm..Children, no matter what age, are in awe of those things because they don't see them anymore. We are the only sheep breeders in our town and we get visitors from time to time that are curious as to our duties. I'm not sure how I can convince my husband, Tom, to slow down....he is like the "Everyready" Battery....keeps going and going .........
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Beautiful Veggies

Our vegetables are Organically grown in our own back yard...Kelp plus compost from our home, etc. is used and we feel that in using this mixture, no other veggies are comparable...Tomatoes, Green Peppers and Cucumbers are still growing in our green house, but I have used some cucumbers already for my lovely "Million Dollar Pickles" that I make every year. Much more harvesting to be done yet and can't wait to see the result....
Saturday, September 25, 2010

I had planned for some time now to post some pictures regarding our gardens; however, I have been so busy this summer that I didn't get to it. Today, because the weather is not great...raining...I decided before attempting a little hooking I would begin to post some...These are ones from August when our family were visiting. Our grandson, Liam, sure enjoyed the adventure...
Friday, September 24, 2010

How many of you good people out there like "Stuffed Squid"? It is such a yummy treat for us at this time of year. I think this is the third time we have had this scrumptuous meal in the last while. At any restaurant, of course, it is called "Calimari"....but I don't think it would be as tasty as those you see in my roaster today.... :) BUT, the photo of a 'squid' before cleaned doesn't look too enticing.... :)
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Well, I have not posted in quite some time, having been busy with visitors, hay-making, canning, blanching and the list goes on...I LOVE having visitors BUT when IGOR visited yesterday and the day before in all his fury, I wish he had stayed away. While we did not have any major damage around our home, many small towns/communities are devastated with houses and sheds underwater, property that people have worked so hard to beautify has been torn to shreds. Actually, as I write this, we are stranded from the Main Highway by our roads being washed out and while workers are busy as many hours as they can to fix the problems, there is still no way out until possibly tomorrow...Let's hope no one becomes seriously ill at this time.
I am posting these pictures to give you an idea of what it looks like around some towns that are a stones throw away from me. I am not sure which ones to post... there are so many desperate looking shots. So sad....
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Craft Sale

This is the first time I have participated in a Craft Sale and have to say, I quite enjoyed it. I sold one rug and took orders for two more. The two are custom made so I hope I can do a good job on those. One is of a tiny fishing community about five minutes drive from me, named "Taylor's Bay"
and the other request was from a lady who lives in the U.S. but was born and raised in Scotland...She asked if she sent a photograph, if I could hook one of her homestead. That should be interesting, to say the least....I am enclosing a picture of my display that my daughter-in-law, Leigh, put together for me...can't you tell she is a School Teacher? I so appreciated all the help from her...
Also, I had help at the sale from my grand daughter, Alena, (to the right on the picture) and her friend, Sarah, who were home visiting with us for the "Come Home Year Celebrations"...truly enjoyed all of our company thus far...
Monday, July 26, 2010

This is a picture of our pet lamb. He was one of a quadruplet and we fed him with a bottle of milk (milk replacer for animals) for quite some time. Actually, twice we thought the poor little guy was dead but my DH persisted and got him back to life each time..
My beautiful niece, Carolyn, visited with her Mother, Cecilia, in July and named him "RAMBO"...with good reason I would say because as we walked along he was tight behind us and would give a little nudge on the backside every now and again. He likes to walk in the same footsteps as you do and is a little nuisance because he could "take you off your feet" pretty quickly if unaware of him. BUT, we wouldn't part with him for any amount of money...He is a keeper. Two weeks ago he weighed in at 70 pounds; I'm sure he is at least 80 by now.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Enjoyable Day

I spent three hours today at one of my favourite, not hooking---that is #1. I went Berry Picking. Even though it is one of the most strenuous, exhausting, back breaking things to do, I still like doing it..Walking on Marsh Land is so uncomfortable as the land is humpy and bumpy, and yes, right now, WET because we have had so much wet weather...It was sunny when I left but by the time I got back it was foggy and damp. I just go ten minutes walk from my house to get those beautiful Bakeapples, also known as Cloudberry. The pet lamb followed me to the area but when he saw that I was not about to share with him, he just up and left and went back home, baaing along the way...I guess he was fed up with me but it would need to be a bigger animal than he to have me give up those berries. Some of you may not realize that this container holds one and a half gallons of berries and that is not much for the length of time it takes to pick them...just remember they are not picked in handfuls as blueberries, cranberries or many other kinds but just ONE at a time and they are not always close together either...Lots of walking involved in this sport...I was exhausted by the time I arrived home but I will go again as soon as the weather is suitable.
Thursday, July 22, 2010

I can't say that I can boast about blogging lately because I didn't realize it was so long since my last post; however; this is a busy time of year as a lot of you are well aware.
About three weeks ago I received the good news that my mat "Spreading Fish to Dry in Outport Newfoundland" was bought by the City Art Procurement Program. Here is an excerpt from their newsletter:
"the goals of the City’s Public Art Program is to engage the public with art and these new acquisitions enable the City to further its goal by displaying art in all municipal buildings. Through this program, the City also invests in its local arts community and builds a collection that will be accessible to future generations as public art. "
Needless to say, I am VERY proud of this. ALSO, one of them "Outdoor Mummers Scene" was selected by the Craft Council of NL. and is displayed at Devon House in ST. John's...If any my blogger friends are in the area over the Summer Holidays, you may want to take a peek...If you do, I would appreciate your feedback...
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Before & After

Rhubarb is growing" like it is going out of style"....We have a huge garden of it and yesterday decided I would make the pies that I had been craving for...They are yummy, to say the least. I use a recipe from many years ago that my Mother used and you know they did everything by guess whereas, I have to have a recipe in front of me to follow to a "T". I follow her recipe as closely as possible to what she told me but it is difficult when she gave me estimates...I'm sure they won't be thrown away...
My Mother would be upset with me over one thing though...her strips (fingers as she called them) were always so neat and even....Not so for mine....
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Latest Mat

I know some of my blogger friends have seen this mat that I designed last year, but I want to share it with those who haven't. I am entering this one {of three, hopefully} into the Craft Council's "Annual Members Exhibit" and if chosen will be displayed at Devon House in St. John's, NL. I am at the last part of another that I have titled "Mummering in Outport NL.", an outdoor scene, and will post it when I have finished...
It is difficult to hook this time of year because there are so many outdoor projects to do. Besides that, the HOCKEY has taken up a lot of my time, but I enjoy watching it immensely..I swear I will have a heart attack if it is not over soon.... LOL!!!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Nice and Bright.

I am sure the majority of people have had their daffodils grow and are dying back by now but it is just this past week that mine are looking so lovely that I thought I should share a picture. I just love them. My lilies are coming along nicely as well. With a little more sunshine, I believe that all would thrive...Can't wait to see the petunias grow but it is a little cold to put them in yet...
We do have a sunny day today but of course, Windy ,Windy, windy.....
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